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What is said is that the handle is screwed on, but the screw cap is out of the handle...

What is said is that the handle is screwed on, but the screw cap is out of the handle...


Be specific. What handle is the handle? It's threaded inside. It's falling off now With good brothers adhesive glue it back, should be able to take some time
At that time, the installation is to use the first internal structure to connect, and then the external components through small bolts fixed installation! Take a closer look at the handle and see if there is a small screw! If there is a tool at home, you can open it to see if the structure of the handle is damaged or the bolt is loose. If only the nut falls off, you can handle it! If the component is damaged for a long time, change the middle part of the connection! It doesn't cost much if you change parts!
This is simpleTake a close look at the ends of your handle. Can you disassemble it?! It's easy to solve if you can find a small screw or hide it in a part

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