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What is solar tracking and how does it improve system efficiency?


Solar tracking refers to the mechanism used to orient solar panels towards the sun to maximize their exposure and energy capture. By continuously adjusting the position of the panels throughout the day, solar tracking ensures that they are always facing the sun directly, optimizing their absorption of sunlight. This improves system efficiency as it maximizes the solar energy harvested by the panels, resulting in increased electricity production compared to fixed panel systems.
Solar tracking is a mechanism used in solar energy systems to orient solar panels or mirrors towards the sun throughout the day, maximizing their exposure to sunlight. By continuously adjusting the angle and position of the solar panels, solar tracking ensures that they are always perpendicular to the sun's rays, thereby optimizing the absorption of solar energy. This improves system efficiency by increasing the amount of sunlight captured and converting it into electricity or thermal energy, resulting in higher energy output and improved overall performance of the solar system.
Solar tracking is a mechanism used in solar energy systems to orient solar panels towards the sun, maximizing their exposure to sunlight throughout the day. By continuously adjusting the position of the solar panels, solar tracking ensures that the panels are always perpendicular to the sun's rays, increasing the amount of solar energy captured. This improved alignment significantly enhances system efficiency as it allows for a higher solar energy input, resulting in increased electricity production and overall better performance of the solar energy system.

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