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What is stronger then steel and lighter then aluminum?

What is stronger then steel and lighter then aluminum?


To cool at room that is 10X11 you would need an a/c that is 5,000 BTU'sTake a look at the chart in the link below as it shows the different size rooms and how many BTU's are needed to cool them.
I think a safe bet would be carbon fiberThe stuff is extremely light, and once formed into the shape you want, almost impossible to breakOf course there are other alloys out there that have certain benefits; some magnesium alloys are stronger and lighter than aluminum, but not stronger than steelTitanium is stronger than steel but heavier than aluminum, and extremely expensiveThere are many variables to this questionAlso hardness and strength are different hardness is the property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched strength is power to resist force, or the power to resist strain or stress; durabilityHope this helped!

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