What is swagelock fitting?
I think people put a little too much faith in satellites. I expect they are a tool for augmenting all the other means of monitoring the weather. Obviously the big advantage of satellites is they move around very quickly, and one satellite can cover a very large area, but imagine trying to take the temperature of something100 km away. You could use blackbody radiation, but only at night and only if there was no cloud cover. You would still be affected by the varing optical properties of the atmosphere. Maybe it's no wonder that James Hanson can get such contrarian results from satellite data.
Certification as an EMT will help you get hired, after your graduate firefighting school. Firefighting is dangerous, exhaustive, repetitive work. Think very long before you committ yourself to the training. You must graduate BEFORE you will get hired, and getting hired is not as easy as you might think. Most city gov'ts don't spend alot on fire depts so many of them hire in rotations or only as an opening comes up. Take the time to visit a local fire dept and talk to the hiring person there. He's the best resource to know if your degree will be an asset. Stay in school and good luck
25 bar is a lot of water pressure. What is the actual operating pressure? For 25 bar, I would make the jump to 300 flanges. What code are you building to. I would suggest ASME/ANSI B31 for petrochemcial work. That standard contains a chart to tell exactly what the ratings are for each situation.