i wet the bed and i want to know what the best diaper is for bed wetting?
Cloth prefold diapers work the best for bed wetting. The user should be double diapered at night with extra toddler size diapers in the center for a thick absorbent diaper. Diaper pins are the best solution for securing the diaper and plastic pants should be used to cover the diaper. Always use large plastic pants to make sure they cover the diaper properly.
I wouldn't be too worried about just two nights. Bedwetting happens sometimes, even if it's been ages since the last time you did it. If it does continue, talk to your doctor about it: it could be a medical problem, such as an infection, or something more serious. Bedwetting is not usually indicative of a big issue, but it's important to get a clean bill of health. As for diapers, it couldn't hurt--it's much less of a clean-up if you do wet. I wouldn't suggest Pull-Ups, though: they may fit you, but they won't absorb very well or make for a comfortable fit when it comes to someone your age. You should try Underjams or Goodnites; they're made for your age range and can be pulled on just like Pull-Ups. They come in separate boy and girl varieties, too, if you care about the way they look. Sleeping in a wet diaper should be just fine, as long as you make sure to clean yourself properly in the morning.
Race car diapers work good to for kids 8 and up
Depends okorder . Its more of an fetish diaper but they found them online and supposedly from what they say its one of the best diapers for older kids/adults.
Tranquility. They have sizes youth through adult and are available online at Dignity With Diapers. My Mom used them for my Dad after trying many brands and said they were the best. First I'd recommend going to see your Dr. if this is a sudden onset as it could be a treatable medical condition.