What is the console role of the BOSE T20 home theater?
As a home entertainment system, 20 AV center can be connected to multiple HD equipment, and power output, in addition, the AV center there are several civilian products the most important BOSE Technology: intelligent sound field training, intelligent integration system and so on, a lot of things, these technologies are in fact for the lazy to service, so that we can easier to enjoy the best effect of home theater.
When you connect different components to the console, the system will propose the best connector through the on-screen message, which will determine the correct connection.Each connected device is automatically added to the source menu and displayed on the TV screen. Therefore, there is no need to adjust the image input to find the desired source. If you add Blu ray players, the "Blu-ray player" appears on the screen menu. In this way, any one give easy to be able to use the Unify system.Unify intelligent integration technology will simplify the Bose remote control program, to control the Lifestyle system and any equipment connected. In the process of setting it intelligent integration technology reference internal database Unify to distinguish each connected component, and automatic remote operation teaching Bose.
The Bose T20, Lifestyle, and the home theater system allow extreme play in movies, games and sports programs. Now, system settings and source connections have never been easier. Bose unique Unify intelligent system integration technology, through the screen message indicating, allowing you to easily follow the entire set of procedures, it will be on the right connection is determined, without all the suspicion. The system can connect up to 6 HD video sources, such as Blu ray disc players, cable box and game systems, and control the whole system with a remote control.Lifestyle T20 system through Unify intelligent integration technology has brought about a breakthrough. This patented technology gives you a clear idea of each set step.