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What is the difference between a gas turbine flowmeter and a gas waist wheel flow meter?

What is the difference between a gas turbine flowmeter and a gas waist wheel flow meter?


According to this principle, the flow meters are: turbine flowmeter, rotor flowmeter
The turbine flowmeter works by using the fluid momentum torque principleWhen the fluid meets a barrier with a certain angle to the flow, the dynamic pressure of the fluid will form a force on the barrier surface at an angle to the direction of the flow. The leaf will be a group with a certain angle to form a turbine in a rotating shaft (rotor), turbine under the influence of the fluid (rotor) will get a rotational torque and rotation speed, the flow rate is proportional with the basic. The flow rate can be obtained by measuring the rotational speed, and then the flow value is obtained.
The waist wheel flowmeter works according to the volume integral principleThe measurement principle of such a flowmeter and the use of a small cup after repeated measurements are similar to the capacity of a liquid in a large vessel. It flows by moving the fluid into a fixed size space in the course of flow and pushing the space through the direction of fluid motion to a certain position. When the process continues, the amount of space passed through the statistics can be obtained.

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