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What is the difference between a glass rotor flowmeter and a metal tube float meter?

What is the difference between a glass rotor flowmeter and a metal tube float meter?


The metal tube float flowmeter floats in the measuring tube. As the flow rate changes, the float moves upward. At one point the buoyancy of the float is balanced with the float gravity. At this point, the float and the orifice (or cone) between the circulation of the ring gap area to maintain a certain. Rising annulus area and float height is proportional to the float in the measuring tube up position represents the size of the flow indicator changes the float position by the internal magnet transmission to the outside, to correctly indicate the flow indicator value.
The main measuring element of a glass rotor flowmeter is a vertically mounted lower, upper, tapered glass tube and a float that can move up and down inside. As the fluid flows through the tapered glass tube from below, a pressure difference is generated between the upper and lower of the float, and the float rises under this differential pressure. When the upward force, the buoyancy force and the viscous lift force of the float are equal to the gravity of the float, the float is in a balanced position. Therefore, there is a certain ratio between the flow rate of the flow through the glass rotor flowmeter and the rising height of the float, that is to say, the flow area of the glass rotor flowmeter, and the position and height of the float can be used as a flow measurement

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