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What is the difference between a Staff and Rod?

What is the difference between a Staff and Rod?


1. Clean the metal fixture that reads cassette tapes. Take a cotton swab and dip it into rubbing alcohol and swab the metal heads. Dry with a clean cotton swab afterwards.2. Press Play on the tape player and wipe the capstan, or the metal spindle on the right hand side of the tape head, up and down it's shaft.3. Rotate the pinch roller, the black rubber roller that guides the tapewith a cotton swab doused in rubbing alcohol. Clean both stationary plastic and metal guide posts, thoroughly.4. Plug in and turn on the demagnetizer. Gently move it's head toward the tape heads. Then move it back and forth over the tape heads, without letting them touch.5. Switch the power off and unplug the demagnetizer. Slowly pull it away from the tape heads.
If it happens once, you would never show harassment. I would let it go. If you get harassed several times, then have an attorney write a letter to the department suggesting that you are being harassed and that you are documenting any undue problems. This works like a champ. I was getting harassed by a small town police office because an older brother told one of the officers that his daughter was both easy and good. I would get pulled over 3-4 times a month, though. After the letter, it stopped for all 4 years that I still lived there. NYPDfor someone who claims to be a retired cop, you should see at least the basics. You do not have to yield to a cop unless his top lights are onANY TIME! When they are not in pursuit, they are supposed to uphold the law. This would be like turning on your top lights to get through a light in order to get to a donut shop. It is abuse of privledge.

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