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What is the difference between clothing material, chemical fiber and fiber?

What is the difference between clothing material, chemical fiber and fiber?


Combustion is one of the simple and common methods for identifying fibers. It uses different fiber combustion characteristics to identify fiber types. But only for pure textiles and woven fabrics. It is not suitable for blended new products, core spun yarn products and fire proofing products.Cotton: rapidly burning in flames, emitting white smoke;Flax: burning rapidly in the flames, emitting white smoke;Hair: gradually burning, with hair flavor, burning crisp black ash;Polyester: first fused, then fired, with a glass black brown hard sphere;Viscose: low strength, hard to harden after launching.
Feel different, wear on the body is also differentSynthetic fibers are synthetic, but fibers are naturalAfter rubbing, the chemical fiber will have static electricity...
Chemical fiber fabric is a new type of clothing material developed in modern times, and has many kinds. Here mainly refers to the chemical fiber processed into pure spinning, blended or interwoven fabric, that is to say by the chemical fiber fabrics, blended, and not between the natural fiber fabric, chemical fiber fabric woven by the characteristics of properties of chemical fiber itself.

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