What is the difference between conductive flooring and antistatic flooring?
Conductive floor and anti-static floor of the resistance value is different, the general conductive floor of the resistance value of 10 in the 6 side or so. Anti-static floor in 10 of the 9 times around the use of anti-static floor when you pay attention to the use of occasions, the general conductive floor discharge too fast.
Now on the market mainstream is called anti-static floor, conductive floor more anti-static floor is a nature. Recommended anti-static floor with the sea!
Insulation is a kind of anti-static floor, you need to understand the anti-static terminology, antistatic materials are divided into two types of conductive and dissipative, conductive resistance is smaller, Dissipative resistance is higher, are used to have a higher resistance of the material produced by mixing, according to the enterprise electrostatic sensitive parts of the environmental requirements to choose to use.