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difference betwwen dyes and pigments?

What is the difference between dyes and pigments? Could you give some examples of each one please.


Dyes are dissolved in whatever solvent is used. Pigments are insoluble. Often a pigment is made by attaching a dye molecule to an insoluble particle. According to my sources a pigment is a coloring matter, usually in the form of an insoluble powder that is mixed with oil, water, etc. to make paint. The pigment lays on the surface and becomes part of the dry film. A dye is soluble in water and is used to color cloth, basket reed and other porous materials. A tube of white toothpaste would be a white pigment for some imaginary use. The same toothpaste, with a red dye added, would be a pink or red pigment. With an overwhelming concentration of dyes, or with black powder added, it could be a black pigment. Silver or metallic colorants can only be pigment.
Dye is used to change the color of things, like cloth. A pigment is like the color and texture of your skin. Or the color in paint.

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