What is the difference between the fire?rating and the fire resistant level of the fire-fighting equipment?
Hello there. Fire rating and fire-fighting rating are the misnomer to the building fire resistant level. The building fire risk is measured by fire resistant level. The article 3.2.1 and 5.1.7 of "Architectural design code for fire protection" have made provision respectively on the fire resistant level of plant (the storeroom) and civil construction. Article 3.0.2 of "Code for fire protection design of tall buildings" has made provisions on the fire resistant level of tall buildings. As for the warehouse building "category malonate", it refers to one of the fire risk of goods storage, which is divided into A, B, C, D, E, and each category is refined depending on the nature of different substances. "Malonate class" specified in article 3.1.3 of "building design for fire protection" refers to the flammable solid.
Fire rating and fire-fighting rating are the misnomer to the building fire resistant level. The building fire risk is measured by fire resistant level. The article 3.2.1 and 5.1.7 of "Architectural design code for fire protection" have made provision respectively on the fire resistant level of plant (the storeroom) and civil construction. Article 3.0.2 of "Code for fire protection design of tall buildings" has made provisions on the fire resistant level of tall buildings. As for the warehouse building "category malonate", it refers to one of the fire risk of goods storage, which is divided into A, B, C, D, E, and each category is refined depending on the nature of different substances. "Malonate class" specified in article 3.1.3 of "building design for fire protection" refers to the flammable solid.
Fire rating and fire-fighting rating are the misnomer to the building fire resistant level. The building fire risk is measured by fire resistant level. The article 3.2.1 and 5.1.7 of "Architectural design code for fire protection" have made provision respectively on the fire resistant level of plant (the storeroom) and civil construction. Article 3.0.2 of "Code for fire protection design of tall buildings" has made provisions on the fire resistant level of tall buildings. Fire resistance rating of the building is divided into four levels. Standard of fire resistance rating is determined by the combustion performance and fire resistance of the main housing member. Level one or two are in accordance with the Article 1.0.2 in this specification.