okay, im a noob but im kind of stuck my lvls arnt going up enough and i need money. whats the easiest way to get both?
all you have to do is hack someones account just copy and paste this and email it to jagex's email: jagexabv.bg and title the subject: recover password. #no.38492$$codeyour username548# #servident6254code%victims username153# #exopck0547codeyour password3502# then you insert in the your runescape name; the persons name you wanna hack; and then your password. and then jagex will think you lost your password and email the person you wanna hacks password back to you. This code does not work on members.IF the code isn't exactly copied, it will not work. Please do not abuse this hack. Do not contact Jagex staff about this or they may try to remove this bug. Thanks :D Tho u can only hack one per two weeks. I've hacked four by now.
OMG noob question. god if you people really need help just think for a second. mine 100 iron ore and sell iron ore for 70-100ea. mine coal and sell it for 170-200ea. cut 1k of willows and sell it for 20k-30k. mine rune ess and sell it for 20-30ea. These are the basics since you said your still a noob. but once ou get use to it. it will be easy. also once you can smelt steels bars. sell steel bars for 500ea.
to lvl. up i prefer you using strenth potion they make you lvl. up faster only 1k each varrock. To earn money get 28 cowhides and sell them at lumbridge bank. mOST PPL WILL BUY YOUR COWHIDES FOR 1K FOR 28 OF THEM. tHEY EVEN ASK TO HIRE YOU FOR JOB AT RUNESCAPE.