go listen to music, or go chill wid some friends.
anything fun but masturbate.not good for your health
Go clean your room, including washing and ironing all your laundryThen take a 20-30 minute walk, eat lunch, read for a bit, then take a nap.
Just using air the maximum flame temperature of wood, coal or other organics burning is just below 2000CThis is more than high enough to melt platinum (check webelements for melting temps of any other metals you are wondering about)The real issue is whether or not the ancients had the insulation capabilities for these high temperaturesBasic porcelain compositions would not be able to withstand that kind of heat, and would slumpThe ability to contain those kind of temperatures amounts would require two thingsFirst, it would require refining of ceramic materials, like aluminum oxide, to high puritySecond it would require them to be able to incorporate porosity (air) into the material to act as a good thermal insulatorSo the short answer is no, but only because they were unable to engineer the proper insulative materialsThis is all confirmed by the historical fact that it took until the mid 1700's to even obtain a usable (malleable) piece of platinum