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What is the meaning of the girder of the gantry and the right girder?

What is the meaning of the girder of the gantry and the right girder?


Double-beam universal gantry cranes and loading and unloading bridges are field-assembled large cranes, so check the crane span
N ④ When the bridge is assembled in the field, the diagonal should be checked to be relatively poor; r n⑤ The girders should be bent to the outside and should be measured at the web of 100mm from the upper flange.
According to the requirements of Appendix 2 of the specification, the method of measuring the gripping on the cantilever end shall be in accordance with the requirements of appendix II of the present specification. F0 = Im 350 r
(1) Both sides of the crane span should be measured and the measurement method shall comply with the requirements of Appendix 1 of this Code; r n② The maximum crown on the main girder shall be within the range of S / 10 of the main span,

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