What is the mesh in the wire mesh specification?
The smaller the mesh, the worse the ink passes, the larger the mesh, and the better the ink passes. In the selection of screen can be printed according to the accuracy requirements, select a different mesh mesh.
The higher the mesh, the closer the mesh is, the smaller the mesh. On the contrary, the smaller the mesh, the more sparse the mesh, the larger the mesh, such as 150 mesh / inch, that is, 1 inch with 150 mesh.
In countries and regions using imperial units of measurement, the mesh size is expressed in holes / inch or lines / inch. The mesh can generally indicate the degree of tightness between the wire and the wire of the screen.
The number of wire mesh refers to the number of holes of 2.54 cm. The unit used to express the mesh in the mesh product specification is hole / cm or line / cm.