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What is the reason that computer monitors have no signal?

What is the reason that computer monitors have no signal?


Computer host does not give monitor signal or monitor drive board has a problem, if there are two computers, try to change it
1: switches the machine off and cools down the main boardReboot2: prosecutor monitor and host connection status3: old display and new graphics card slot can be used ~!
1 check that the monitor signal line is connected2, the monitor is bad3 card didn't plug in
Is the monitor or video card problem. Such as startup can beep, the majority is the display problem. Most of them are display signal line. The hand signal line, up and down slowly, gently move and observe the screen display, such as display signs, it proved to be a signal line, change a good. If not, take your monitor to a friend's house to try. If the problem is the graphics. The graphics unplug, clean the plug and then plug back. If it is good, is the card contact problem. If not, a test card good. Is the graphics card problem. If it is not good, that is the display problem. Repair the monitor.
There are many reasons why the computer monitor has no signal:Check whether the monitor power line is plugged in and whether the power switch of the monitor is switched on;Unplug the display signal data line, plug in again (including the host side and the display side), and tighten the screws;Exchange check, change to the normal data line to see if it will show;Change the normally displayed monitor to the host to see if it is available;Change the monitor to the computer on which it is being used to see if it is displayed;By step 4, 5 inspection can determine whether the problem is the display, if confirmed to the normal display, wiring pulling on the host to plug, reboot, or unable to display it, it is a hardware problem, hardware faults, power supply, hard disk, memory, video card, CPU, motherboard and other equipment will cause trouble, please help confirm the best professionals.

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