I work for a shaver blender co that my other coworker prefer not to glue in the PVC joints, saying its due to ease of removals. However, I've been in this type of business for several years and have always glued PVC joints due to sanitary issues and seepage issues. I think its due to laziness on their part anyone have GREAT debate answer for me to use tomoorow?
When you say biker do you mean cyclist or motorcyclist? My advice on riding an m/bike in bad conditions is don't! I don't care what anybody says, I rode motorcycles through wind, snow, sleet, ice and driving rain and never ever ever did I enjoy it. Get a car. But if you must ride a motorcycle in winter: watch out for low sun which can cause a strange camoflauge/dappling effect on roads and render huge vehicles invisible, if you're on a snow covered road ride through the fresh snow not the compacted snow where vehicles have left tyre tracks, if you get cold stop in a cafe to warm up rather than try trudging on. Also, wear a hi-viz vest or jacket; the emergency services wear them for good reason. On a bicycle; only take a hybrid or MTB out in snow and ice, snow tyres are a good idea if you can afford a set but regular off-road tyres should give a fair amount of grip. And in all cases: keep your speed down and be prepared for a spill.
The actually maximum inexpensive cellular telephone attainable in India is the Nokia 1203. it is going to value around Rs.1300. yet i might propose which you spend a pair of hundred dollars greater and get the Motorola W180. it is going to likely be only value-powerful and you will additionally get a coloration demonstrate.