What is the simple calculation method of the tunnel excavation unit price
Comprehensive unit price = labor cost + material equipment fee + mechanical + management fee + profit
Parameter valuationThe valuation of parameter method is the method of calculating the multiplication coefficient according to a certain cardinal number or the custom formula. This method is simple and clear, but the biggest difficulty is the scientific formula, accuracy is difficult to grasp. This method is mainly applicable to the construction process must occur, but it is difficult to predict the specific items in the bidding, but can not separate the project content of the project measures. If the valuation night construction fees, two handling fee, rain during construction can be used in this method.
Comprehensive unit price methodAs the calculation method of this method and the project of comprehensive unit price, is calculated according to the real need of engineering cost measures the amount of consumption and real price, applicable to the calculation of the amount of engineering projects, mainly refers to the number of entities are closely linked and engineering projects, such as concrete formwork, scaffolding, vertical transportation etc.. Different from the sub project, it is not required that the comprehensive unit price of each measure must include the labor cost, material cost, mechanical cost, management fee and profit.
Fully integrated unit price = labor + material equipment + + + + + + + management fees