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What is the thickness of the cabinet door 25 cm?

What is the thickness of the cabinet door 25 cm?


Force hinge.There are many kinds of hinge brands in the market. The hinge is divided into mechanical hinge, two section force hinge and buffer hydraulic hinge from mechanical angle
The hinge of a force is very simple when it closes, and it closes the door only if it is carried with a small strain. The cheap price is basically the standard cabinet hinge, the material must be 1% above, and the adjusting screw with the type of screw, hinge base and the connecting hole of the adjusting screw should be closely matched, otherwise it will not be long before the door appears on both sides of the sink, asymmetry, shrapnel processing and materials also become the determining factor, the hinge durable degree in general, a hinge force of its life will be less on the market, a hinge use frequency can reach 10 thousand times.

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