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What is the working principle of a turbo flowmeter?

What is the working principle of a turbo flowmeter?


The turbine flowmeter consists of a turbine, a bearing, a preamplifier, and a display instrument.
The speed of the turbine is detected by a sensor coil is arranged in the shell. When the turbine blade cutting a permanent magnet by the shell when the magnetic flux will cause the flux changes in the sensing coil. The magnetic flux change cycle signal detected by the sensor coil into the preamplifier for signal amplification, shaping, which is proportional to the pulse signal with the flow velocity, flow totalizer and unit conversion into the circuit and display the cumulative flow value; at the same time pulse signal into the frequency current conversion circuit, the pulse signal is converted into analog current, thus indicating the transient flow value.
The measured fluid impact of turbine blade, the turbine, the turbine speed varies with flow rate, the flow is large, the speed of the turbine is large, the magnetoelectric conversion device to convert the speed of the turbine electric pulse corresponding frequency, the pre amplifier, sent to the display instrument for counting and display, according to the pulse the number per unit time and the cumulative number of pulses can be calculated instantaneous flow and cumulative flow.The working principle is the direction of the axis of the turbine transmitter when the fluid flow along the pipeline, and the impact of the turbine blades, there are QV, V and flow velocity and fluid density is proportional to the product of force acting on the blades, rotate the turbine. At the same time as the turbine rotates, the blade periodically cuts the magnetic lines of force produced by the electromagnet and changes the magnetic flux of the coil. According to the principle of electromagnetic induction, the Induction EMF ripple in the coil, the pulse signal frequency and the measured fluid flow is proportional to the total volume: the QV fluid, the total number of N for the pulse transmitter; flow coefficient.

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