An RLC circuit with a capacitance of 0.010 uF is found to resonant with a frequency of 1.30×104 Hz. What is the value of the inductor? Also what are the units of the inductor. Thanks
X ind2TTfL , X cap1/(2TTfC), at resonance,X ind Xcap,2TTfL1/(2TTfC), 4TT^2f^2LC1, L1/(4TT^2 f^2 C)1/[4TT^2 (13000)^2 (0.01 x 10^-6)] L0.014988 henry14.98 mili-henry God bless you.
resonance freq f 1/(2.pi sqrt(LC)) square both sides f^2 1/( 4 pi^2 LC ) swap the L and the f^2 L 1/(4 pi^2 C f^2) Plug your parameters in to get inductance L measured in Henrys which is Ohm-seconds in SI units. Usually microhenrys