my 2003 dodge durango broke down 6 weeks ago. the mechanic put it on the diagnostic machine, and it said i needed a fuel pump and a water pump. well i got the fuel pump changed and he told me if i kept water in the car it could hold out for a little while until i get the water pump fixed. so i kept water in it it's been 3 weeks. saturday night all of a sudden i watched the temperature gauge jump to HOT! I pulled over and it was smoking like hell. i'm lucky a friend of mine drove by at that instant and went to his house and got me antifreeze and water and put it in the car. so it was fine sunday. then last nightafter i got home it was smoking again. i let it cool down and then filled it up with water. this morning i took my daughter to school and then drove to my other daughter's daycare and it was smoking like crazy and there was antifreeze and water all over the ground where i parked. so i left it at the daycare and got a ride to work. should i fix the water pump? or is
Chances are if you had a reputable mechanic tell you it needed a water pump at the time, and he's sure it was leaking.... assuming you haven't overheated the engine that caused gaskets to blow (ie. head gaskets), then a water pump should fix the problem. A good quick check is: is there steam coming out of your tail pipe... if so, you've done more damage than what the water pump will take care of.
it may be the waterpupmp but the again it may just be flow valve. Take your car to the dealer and have them look at it. If it's the flow valve then you save a lot of money.
You absolutely have a enormous coolant leak somewhere. Could be some thing involving the cooling method. Do no longer force this vehicle or you'll spoil your engine for would probably be constant with a couple of bucks, if this can be a dangerous hose or some thing of the kind. Sounds such as you must be in a position to uncover the leak and not using a pressur experiment, seeing the way it runs low so speedily, however in any occasion, don't force this car and feature a technician as quickly as viable.