I changed all the bad fuses, then I changed the switch, then I tested the motor by hooking up a 12V battery pack, and it worked just fine up and down. What else could be the problem and how do I test it?Also, the window and the door lock mechanisms don't work on the passenger front door, even from the master control on the drivers side door.
the window has a plastic belt on it behind the door panel that has broken or the teeth on it has stripped out.You can get the parts anywhere now.
if the fuses were blown to begin with, you should check them again to make sure they didn't blow again. Fuses don't just go bad, something causes them to blow. If you had a bad switch, that could do it.
Not exactly my area of expertise, BUT I do know that Chevy and GM vehicles in general have a history of failing electrical systems. I have heard endless stories of it and have seen hundreds of Brand new GM vehicles with burnt out head lights. I recommend just taking it to the autoshop if you've tried everything. Hope this makes you feel less alone in the issue. Best of luck.
it could only be a few things. Make sure the new fuses are the correct amperage second check the motor for the window last check the grounds make sure there all tight
Take a test light hit the switch up and check one of the pins to light up, hit it a couple of times, then go down you might have to switch to another pin. If it doesn't work your not getting power your fuses are good, you say the switches are good so in that case you have a broken wire somewhere usually where the door harness closes and opens also a faulty switch on the actual door can make it so the master switch doesn't work on that door either. but it sounds like you need to trace wires for a break somewhere.