Saves The Day:Foo Fighters:Blink 182:Jimmy Eat World:Incubus:Rage Against The Machine:Red Hot Chilli Peppers:The Strokes:Lost Prophets:BQWhat is your favourite out of the songs you've listed?I like all these bands so just thought it'd be interesting to know what other peoples favourite songs by them are! If you don't know/like some of them, just answer the ones you do!
My Aunt makes that same dish for Thanksgiving too, but I don't exactly remember itI know that she uses heavy cream and mixes it in with the sweet patatoes and then after whipping that together she puts it into a pyrax dish or a small round pan and bakes it with the marshmellows on top of the whipped sweet patatoesI'm sorry that I don't know the measurements or anything, but think of it like making mash patatoes only slightly differentOh and the sweet patatoes must be partially cooked first before adding the marshmellows on topI hope that helps.
This is a very old recipe I clipped from a magazineAPPLE-MALLOW YAM BAKE 2 apples, sliced 1/3 cup chopped pecans 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 tspcinnamon 2 17-ozcans yams, drained and cut in pieces 1/4 cup butter 2 cups miniature marshmallows Toss apples and nuts with combined brown sugar and cinnamonAlternate layers of apples and yams in 1 1/2-quart casseroleDot with margarineCoverBake at 350 for 35-40 minutes, until apples are tender Sprinkle marshmallows over yams and applesBroil until lightly browned, watching to avoid burning6-8 servings.
If you are using canned sweet potatoes why do you need a recipe? bleh My family begs for this year after yearI bake the sweet potatoes instead of boil themTheir flavor is much much betterSweet Potato Casserole With Praline Topping The streusel is both stirred into the casserole and sprinkled on top 1 cup all-purpose flour 2/3 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 cup chopped pecans, toasted 1/4 cup stick margarine, melted 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 4 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and halved (about 2 1/2 pounds) 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 large egg white 1 (5-ounce) can fat-free evaporated milk Cooking spray Preheat oven to 350°Combine first 5 ingredients in a small bowl, stirring to form a streuselSet asidePlace potatoes in a Dutch oven; add water to coverBring to a boil; cover, reduce heat, and simmer 30 minutes or until very tenderDrain well; mash in a large bowlStir in 1 cup streusel, granulated sugar, vanilla, egg white, and milkSpoon into a 2-quart casserole coated with cooking spray; top with remaining streuselBake at 350° for 45 minutes Yield: 8 servings (serving size: 3/4 cup) CALORIES 376(21% from fat); FAT 8.8g (sat 1.4g,mono 4.1g,poly 2.6g); PROTEIN 5.4g; CHOLESTEROL 1mg; CALCIUM 97mg; SODIUM 115mg; FIBER 3.8g; IRON 1.9mg; CARBOHYDRATE 70.1g Cooking Light, NOVEMBER 1997 .
I've never seen sweet potatoes in a canThose are usually yamsI usually use fresh sweet potatoes and I peel, cut up, and boil them as if I were fixing mashed potatoesBoil them with some cinnamon and brown sugarThen mash them with lots of butter and add some more cinnamon and some nutmeg if you feel like itPut everything in a glass baking dish and put mini-marshmallows on topPut them in the oven (not sure of how hot) and bake until the marshmallows melt and get just a bit brown on the top.
Saves The Day: Anywhere with youThey're hit or miss for me, often way too emoFoo Fighters: Everlong Blink 182: DammitDude Ranch and Enema of the State were fun albums, they got pretty corny after thatJimmy Eat World: Bleed AmericanI don't know, or particularly care to know, much of their stuffIncubus: A certain shade of greenThey lost their funk sound after ScienceIt's unfortunateRage Against The Machine: People of the sun Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Under the Bridge The Strokes: Reptilia Lost Prophets: Not a fanUnder the Bridge and Everlong are by far the best songs of the list.