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What kind of diet and exercise would you recommend for pitching training?

In season training and nutrition.


Sholder shrugs.(with weights in ur hand)
for nutrition-eat a lot of protein, especially protein shakes, to rebuild the muscle you break down from throwing so much. also, do work with resistance bands to strengthen your shoulder and rotator cuff.
If you think you're starting to lose some of it, then go up to 2. Endurance training only needs to be stimulated two or three times a week. At the end of practice, go do your sprints, ultra-short interval training. The next day, go for an hour run. Next day or so, USIT again. Next week switch it up, so hour run, USIT, hour run. As for nutrition, it depends on the athlete (principle of individuality, everyone is different), but a general rule is complex carbs (because they are absorbed and released more slowly than simple carbs, which provides a sustained high energy release. They are also high in minerals, vitamins, and fiber, while low in fat and cholesterol.) should comprise at least 60% of the diet, protein 15-20%, and fat 20-25%. This should be implimented 2 days before a game, and up to breakfast and lunch (if the game is in the evening). 2-3 hours before the game, make sure you consume a high carb, low-fat meal, and make sure you stay hydrated. You could have some whole-wheat bread or muffin, cereal, low-fat milk, and some bananas. Or a light lunch of some lean meats and some water. You should also follow that 3:1 Carb to Protein ratio 24 hours after the game, as it speeds up recovery. If you have a game the following day, just keep with the same ratios. Otherwise, a normal diet would be about 50-55% carbs, 15% protein, and 30-35% fat. It should support the highest energy demands for baseball. Supplements aren't needed if you are eating properly. If you're not, they're nice to have, but your inproper eating habits are still hindering. There is no convincing evidence that viatmins supplements are necessary for players who consume a high-energy athlete's diet that contains mainly natural and unprocessed foods. For water intake, you should have at least .5 liters before the game (not 10 minutes before the game), 100-200 ml every 15 minutes during the game, which is about .5 liter per hour.

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