What kind of mattress is suitable for rib bed frame?
Not what kind of mattress can match with the skeleton bed. In order to find a suitable mattress with a skeleton bed, pay attention to the following points:1, the mattress must be soft, too hard mattress can not, for example: palm pad. Too hard mattress in the row of skeleton bed is not smooth, the human body sleep will have a strange feeling;2, the skeleton bed itself has the principle of human engineering, and its concave convex features make the skeleton mattress more flexible, so you can also choose a thinner mattress;3, the thicker soft mattress is also suitable for row skeleton bed, this will reduce the mattress and skeleton skeleton bed before the friction vibration, make the human body feel more comfortable.
Most of the skeleton beds are matched with the soft bed. This is because the production process in the soft bed, the ranked skeleton, and then placed in the row of the cloth made software framework, the ratio of the spring mattress soft degree is also strong, this is also one of the reasons for the soft bed is more comfortable. Cloth art software does not change because of the convex and concave of the bent frame, and can adjust itself properly to cater for the change of the skeleton bed.
Coir mat is made of coconut palm made mattress. Coconut palm mattress hardness is very strong, very suitable for children with developmental use. The palm pad itself is more rigid texture, the laying of the palm pad on the skeleton of the bed is like laying on the uneven floor of the board, there will be irregularities.
The frame bed is elastic and has an arc design, so the mattress can be used on the mattress. The spring mattress has an active self, and can be well connected with the bent frame bed, and the human body can feel comfortable.