I'm looking for a new rug for a private elementary school library. It must be clear colors, thick enough not to roll on the edges and steam-cleanable. Any ideas?
First off - Rugs/Carpet usually do not Wear out. Matting or crushing is what the consumer perceives to be wear, but it is usually a result of soil build up without proper maintenance. Your rug/carpet must be professionally steam cleaned once a year and the vacuum you use must be checked to see that the bead-er bar is functioning properly to beat at the fibers. Second - price will play a huge part in the size and type. Since this is for an elementary school and they probably do not have rug/carpet in budget, my guess is that you will be paying for it? Suggestion - go to a local carpet store and pick out the least expensive to your taste, have the store order to your size and then have it bound around the edges. You can pickup double side tape and use this to hold carpet flat. This may be your least expensive way. Good Luck.