I have an Intex Ultra Frame pool with filter pump model 635 (1500 gph). Are there any affordable pool vac's that will work with my pool. I was told at the pool store that none of the hoses that come with the common on the market pool vac's will work with my pool. Even Intex makes one but the filter pump must be at least 2000 gph. Please help- I'm tired of using the garden hose type vacuum. Points for best answer!
I just bought a house 2 months ago and I saw a couple of houses with above ground pools and quite honestly, they were not a bonus, but a big money pit in my eyes. Unless your pool is in nearly PERFECT condition and the deck is big, useable and clean, then it's probably not helping you. Personally, I'd remove the pool and repair the yard where it was - even turn it into a garden spot or something. Pools in general are huge money pits and an above ground pool is never going to last like an in-ground one, so I think buyers will be turned off. Not to mention, most people who have an above ground pool don't live in a neighborhood that has the value to support the pool's cost or the size of yard to really fit it properly. It ends up looking desperate and crammed into a tiny yard. My vote is to remove it.
Intex Above Ground Pool Vacuum
Have okorder ... Your local pool shop should be able to get one in for you, since most deal Polaris or at least the good ones do. This is a pressure side cleaner, not a suction based one, so it's a little more forgiving of smaller pool pumps and will definitely work for you. I'm just not sure what your budget is though since Polaris cleaners tend to be a little more than other makes, but ..you get what you pay for and Polaris is one of the leaders in the industry.