my ferret died last year its going to be sept 3rd tomorow i want to preform a ritual on his behalf to pay my respects ( i shall buy him flowers) any ideas, wiccans???
Did you bury him somewhere that you can visit? If so, simply go to the grave and think about him. Talk to him as if he were alive. Put a little of his favorite food on the grave. Take a simple stone and write his name and year of death on it, then place it on his grave (if you haven't done something similar already). Just meditate on what he meant to you when he was alive and wish him joy in his afterlife.
I understand your sorrow at the loss of your friend. I agree with the post above. I would use a plaque to memorialize the passing of your friend. In season, plant something lovely that comes back each year as a reminder.
You can perform a variation of a Samhain Ancestors Ritual. At that time we honor not only family and friends that have crossed but our animal companions as well.
Do you have a grave marker ? You can get a small plack for a very reasonable price.