I've just got a new chair with wheels...and I am very excited about it!I haven't danced with it yet, but I am very tempted to; I just worry that someone might catch me doing this, and then I wouldn't know how to explain myself...or is an explanation even needed--should I sit down on the chair, ask them to hold onto my legs and spin in circles for an even better time?
Chair dancing is so fun! And no you don't have to explain to anyone. They should be able to see that your having fun and if they raise an eyebrow or make a comment just continue with what you're doing.
Hey you want to test the chair out;go right ahead no explaination needed; if your want to dance -dance; its your chair and your way of expressing yourself; if someone dose ask tell them the truth; that you testing chair out. Invited them to join you and have some fun.
I live my life never having to explain myself. If you feel like picking up a chair and dancing with it.. have at it haha, and if anybody laughs at you, think of it as hey, I just filled someones night with laughter haha... and yes, definitely ask someone to spin in circles.. might as well go for the extreme fun..
Who cares if they catch you. It's something you want to do (and it's safe - unless of course you fall out or over the chair-lol) I say go for it - I always spin around and 'dance' with a chair with wheels. It's fun. And I must admit, I'm not very young either. If you have to explain yourself, then they can't be very fun themselves.
No explanation required. Dance with the chair....put the music on really loud, if someone notices you....act like you are the normal one, and they are the freak for even thinking that dancing with a new chair is odd. Maybe if enough people come over, and they bring a chair on wheels, this could evolve into a party. Probably be huge fun! Make up tons of crazy games and races and things to do with the chairs. Oh ya...go for it!