What's the best, most affordable bulky weight wool yarn to use for knitting projects?
Buy visqueen and and start at one side and move across your studs and wallsYou will need to staple as you goThis creates a vapor barrier, then put your insulation over thisReynolds foil would put you in the poor houseI think what you are seeing is insulation with aluminum on one side75 is way hot for rabbits55 or 60 would be fine even lowerRaised them for years in outside hutches and they made out fine.
You can use tin foil, visquene (plastic sheeting) or tar paper for the vapor barrier, but place it ONLY on the warm side of the insulationThis means only on the room side of the wall, not the outsideOtherwise, it will trap moisture and will eventually rot your walls.
no adding foil is a big no no! you will trap moisture in the walls(Create mold) the foil is design to keep moisture from penatrating the cavityif you seal all the penatrations around the wall and corners and bottom plate (bottom 2x4) with foam spray or caulk you will seal the areas were air infiltration can occur.
100 Wool Yarn For Felting