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What's the difference between freeze dryer, micro heat regeneration dryer, non thermal regeneration dryer and waste heat regeneration dryer?

What's the difference between freeze dryer, micro heat regeneration dryer, non thermal regeneration dryer and waste heat regeneration dryer?


Waste heat regeneration dryer - as the name suggests, use other equipment or boiler heat to take over, will be heated again heating, in order to achieve better regeneration purpose, at the same time waste heat utilization to achieve energy saving purposes
No heat regeneration dryer - work structure and micro heat basic, only work time is shorter than micro heat, 5 minutes to switch once, regeneration gas with its own dry gas without heating system, adsorption time is short, regeneration effect is poor
Micro heat regeneration dryer - also called tepefaction regeneration dryer, 2 adsorption tower, every 2 hours to switch to a AB tower, A tower rotation adsorption, adsorption and regeneration tower B 2 hours 2 hours, whereas the B A adsorption tower adsorption tower regeneration is the water suction down air drying, but because of the adsorption so long as the regeneration to be heated to completely clean, renewable water is adsorbed to the water tower with its own air after heating
The freeze dryer cools the compressed air to 2-10 degrees by freezing so that the air will dew and then separate and drain the water by mechanical separation, and the compressed air gets dry

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