Natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, gas, propane, what is the difference?
Propane is a liquefied petroleum gas, the calorific value of about 12000 kcalNatural gas is generally referred to as methane, calorific value of 8500 kcalGenerally do not understand the general call bottled liquefied petroleum gasNational standard of artificial gas is generally a mixture of methane, hydrogen, nitrogen, low calorific value of about 5000 kcal.
Coal gas: a combustible gas that is produced from coal as raw material. According to the nature and use of gas processing methods, divided into: coal gasification is the water gas and semi water gas, air and gas (or gas), the gas heating value is lower, so it is also called low calorific value gas; gas coking coal carbonization method called coke oven gas, blast furnace gas. The utility model relates to a medium calorific value gas, which can be used as a fuel for the city. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas are important chemical raw materials.
Propane: three alkane, the chemical formula is C3H8, usually gaseous, but generally compressed into liquid transport. Crude oil or natural gas can be obtained from the finished product. Propane is commonly used as fuel for engines, barbecue food and domestic heating systems. In sales, propane is commonly referred to as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). In order to avoid accidental leakage, commercial liquefied petroleum gas is generally added to the stench of mercaptan.
The difference between propane and gas: propane is pure (only one gas), gas is a mixture of gases.