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What's the role of sina and micro-blog tagging their blogs?

What's the role of sina and micro-blog tagging their blogs?


Blog label is a keyword defined by itself, more accurate and more specific than classification, which can summarize the main content of the article.Role: by customizing labels for articles, the author can make more people find their articles more conveniently and accurately, while readers can find articles that they are interested in quickly through the article labels.
There are two ways to fill in the labels: 1. You can manually fill in the labels in the tabs.2, you can also click on the label column on the right side of the "automatic matching label", the system can automatically extract tags based on the content of your article.
You can add one or more labels for each article. After you publish it successfully, you can open the tag in the article and see all the articles in micro-blog that you have used the same label. Not only that, if a label used in the article happens to be recommended on the home page, when the user opens the tag, he sees his article on the result page.

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