I'm a female20 years old5 foot 3Currently 130 and sometimes jump from 130-133+My BMI is 23.0 which is thankfully healthy, but I'd like to burn some fat with healthy foods and exercise before toning upI got some good workouts lined up, but just how much pounds should I lose a week? I'm hoping in a month, and would like to start out with a detox to rid my body of toxins and then slowly starting out with the yoplait tune up diet, before I begin.Any thoughts, advice, tips, answers?
Some sounds wont resonate through insulationDuct tape during intimate moments is HOT!!!!
no it does not, try using carton egg trays
If you can pack fiberglass in pretty tight, it will block some soundStyroFoam insulation does less (sound absorbing foam is more of a rubberized foam)If you are looking for a cheap absorber, look for sound-absorbing ceiling tilesMight help some.
I have installed both sound bat and thermal insulation professionally, Fiberglass sound bat and fiberglass thermal are basically interchangeable, NO DIFFERENCEIt all depends on how much sound you want to absorb as to how much you will pay.