what's the varieties of fire-proof?sealing?material?
ATD-AB, organic fire-proof caulking, fire retardant bag, fire retardant net, fire retardant ring, fire barrier wrap, fireproofing sealing strip, flexibility fireproofing coiled material, fireproof glue, etc., fireproofing sealing materials currently on the market can be divided into two types, one is the traditional type: flexible organic caulking, WXY-II, fire retardant bag, fire?bulkhead, cable refractory coating; there are some new materials used in large-scale projects: fireproofing coating board system (fireproofing coating board, intumescent fireproof sealing tape, elastic fireproof sealant, Waterborne Fire-retardant Coating), fire retardant module system (fire retardant module, sealing gum, cable refractory coating), fireproofing plaster system (fireproofing plaster, sealing gum, cable refractory coating).
Fire blocking material currently on the market include: fire stopping board, foam blocking material, flame resisting module, fire-resisting sealant, flexible organic caulking, WXY-II and fire retardant bag, etc. fire-proof?sealing?material is widely used in building construction and can ensure high-temperature flame and smoke from fires not spread to another fire?compartment, different buildings generally use different sealing methods. Pipeline is generaly sealed by pouring concrete board or mortar.