Hi, I wanted to get a couple more answers so I would like to get your opinions on what's your favorite gentle bit? My new pony is very head strong with the bit and I want to try a different bit. I was given an idea that haffies tend to have a smaller pallet in there mouth and could be getting poked by the tom thumb bit I have been using on him. So I have two ideas for bits I have in mind. A Dogbone Snaffle Bit with roller in the middle so not to poke the roof of his mouth. Or a straight rubber snaffle bit with no split at all just all rubber. What's your opinion for either of these. I want to first make sure he's comfortable and not hurt with the bit and see if that changes his behaivor. What do you think between these two? Thanks
LOL, you said it! What a good idea! Actually, the haters are mostly in Religion and Politics, on here. I've found some very nice answers when I'm talking about something as mundane as food. But, watch out for those vegetarians! LOL
Stay low on the radar don't worry I sent you a pizza and in the pizza youll find a metal file Use the metal file to get through the jail cell bars and for now on we must only speak code. Beep bop boop bee bop beepoo boop!
Call the law not do you any good for being fired. And sadly a boss can fire one for anything, unless its based on discrimination on things like race, religion, ect.
Company rules override public rules on company property.
Wow, I bet you were fired for your incredible ignorance. First, she doesn't have to show you a tape. Second, she can fire you for any reason or no reason except discrimination, unless you belong to a union or have a contract. Third, free speech isn't absolute, That only has to do with the government. So if you trash talk your boss expect to get fired. And you ARE a bad employee if you insult the boss. It's a free country and she is free to fire your sorry ***. Not only would you lose a suit, you will have a cross complaint for your attacks on her and you will lose that. Call the police? For what? Geez dude. You have a lot of growing up to do.