I have a brand new houseAfter concerns that my ensuite bathrroom fan isn't doing its job, I explored the atticI see all the white foam insulation all over the floorUp top there are three small seperate windows of some kind(nothing attaches to them, they are just there) I did not see any duct work that would account for the venting of my bathroom fanI wanted to crawl inside an get a better look but there is so much foam I can't see any of the beams to walk on.Does this sound right? The attic is also VERY hot and feels moistWhere the hell could my fan venting be? I certainly didn't see it?Any advice is appreciated!
I'd bring along Campbells Pork n' Beans, sardines, and some o them Stello Doro breadsticks, I reckonuhh-mmm.
The insulation and windows (vents) sound normal, and, yes, it's going to be very hot up thereYou might, however want to investigate the venting situationYou might want to have someone experienced with such things take a look around up there if you are concernedYou can check the suction on the fan from the inside by seeing if it will hold a piece of paper to it when it is running.