I've play flute for 8 years now, piccolo for 6. Last year when playing for chairs I got 2nd chair. I got absolutely no solos nor piccolo parts. Being my sophomore year, I didn't mind all that much. Our flute section leader was first chair. Now this year she is drum major. We played for chair with a new band director and I got 2nd chair once again, while she got 1st. I've asked to challenge but I don't know if I will be allowed to or not. When I asked last year I was gently told no. Saying all that, every time we have played for chairs I knew for a fact that I could easily beat her and become 1st chair but the band directors keep giving me 2nd. I don't know what to do. I know for a fact she's planing on once again not giving me any solos nor piccolo parts. It's really bumming me down. What should I do?
Are you REALLY better than her? Or do you just THINK you are because you aren't hearing flaws that someone who isn't currently playing an instrument would hear? I've had that happen a few times. I'd be recording a guitar part and think I nailed it, only to realize it sounded like crap when I listened to the playback. That could very well lead to a situation where you believe you're a better player than her because you're hearing the flaws in her playing, but not in your own (because you're occupied with playing). Try this: Have someone record both of you playing the same piece of music, and play them back for you without telling you which one is you and which one is her. That's the only way for you to honestly see if you really are better than her without your own bias getting in the way. If you don't know which recording is you playing, you can't be biased into thinking that one sounds better.
resentment gets you nowhere. Suck it up and be nice. Your day will come
Wait until you are out of High School. OR go to a private teacher and find out what you are doing wrong. It might just be your attitude.
It may not help, but just remember that because another person is rewarded doesn't mean that you're being punished. There can only be one first chair. Just because someone else has it doesn't mean you're not good, it just means you don't have first chair. Play second chair and play the hell out of it. You're not on anyone's bad side - yet. Sometimes the hard truth is that there's a half-point difference between getting the position and not. Just don't let it screw up your relationships with friends. Forty years from now the glory of having spent a few months as a high school first chair will be insignificant compared to everything else your life will hold.
Here's a story. I was in high school, in the late 70's early 80's. A tall guy, playing flute in band. Pretty good too, as when all others were mastering smoke on the water I was trying to dig into the works of John Coltrane. As with you, I knew I could terrorize the the 1st chair flute position, yet I was never a wise guy. In my case, it was favoritism, as I played circles around the first chair occupants through my years in high school. I know this to be true, because 20+ year class reunions often reveal some history..funny stuff. My band directors didn't like the fact that what they were trying to teach, I and a couple others were well beyond. One guy who really got the raw end of the deal, by these same band directors, is a world famous trumpeter currently. Yes, encouragement is suppose to be a quality of teaching yet isn't always there. And..It is possible you may not actually deserve it...yet! Maybe the band directors are approaching and dealing with you wrong or visa-versa. Maybe the first chair occupant is a bit better by some fashion, maybe not. You being your own judge is tough and maybe not as accurate as you think. In my situation, I had a somewhat overwhelming amount of adult professional musician folk disclose some positive opinions of my playing back then. If your case is similar, just ride the wave. If your case is dissimilar, just ride the wave. If music is a strong desire of yours, high school may have only a minor if any influence. There are many other venues, if you have skills and determination, you'll get it your story out. Plug on! Cheers and good luck.