I will soon have folded my 1000th paper crane. What should I do with them after I am done?
wow. thats amazing. im sure you spent a long time making them so i wouldnt do anything destructive to them. i think you should make a big necklace out of them and hang them in your room or on top of a door or in the garden... or.... etc.. especially if the paper cranes have different colors, it would look rather pretty and vibrant.
i don't know if you are into photography but what would make some really great pictures is take all those cranes and set them up in random spots around you town or area and photograph the group at diffrent angles. you could have lots of fun finding unexpected places to put them. and you would end up with a really great portfolio series
Set them on fire somewhere safe and controlled. The fireplace? String them together and make a long chain to use like garland or streamers. Hang them from the stairs.
first of all, you have to make a wish! (after all that hard work!) then... make mobiles or garlands, and pictures out of the cranes (pasting them onto another paper in the shape of something else) give them to friends, (i know my friends love getting cranes, they think they're cool) put them in scrapbooks, use them in cards, use them as bookmarks or decoration for a party, (a i'm done folding 1000 cranes party) so many possibilities!