what signs while you are pregnant that the child is going to have a cleft pallet?
OMFG i got da same thing as you! i have to have it on for 2-6 months also an ures is removalble right? wellat the beggining ur molars are going to hurt alot cuz they are not use to dhat feeling and then once you get use to it! well once u take out ure mouth and turn the key you have to pop it in ure mouth... some times its the BIGGESTTTT pain ever.. cuz ure not use to it feeling so tight. but it goes away in lik 2 minutess! hope i can hlp! ohh yeahh and yesh u would get gap on ure mouth cuz its expanding your mouth~
It will probably widen the gap a little bit, but an expander is meant to widen your whole upper jaw. I had an expander for 4 months and had to turn the key for about 2 months, also. When you are turning the key, it's not like a sharp pain, it's more of tightening in your mouth. It's just a great amount of pressure. Make sure you have advil or something, you will need it. Good luck!
I had this when I was younger and yes the gap between your teeth will slowly get bigger and turning the key doesn't really hurt but does feel weird.