i have a shop that is ready for the roof to be donei will use a medal roofshould i install the insulation on the rafters it self or should i lay 1x4 strips and then lay the insulation followed by the metal roof?
no shutoffs, just drain the gas out
you can take the bowl off, the gas will not leak out, but for safety I pour the gas back in the gas can turn the mower on its side if you need to change the oil this is a good time to do that also Good luck
under the gas tank there should be a gas lineif it does not have a shut off valve in that line you could buy one and put it in that lineif you do not want to do that you could drain the gas tank and run the mower and let it run out of gasbut your best bet may be to buy some gas stablizer and put it in the tank and run it for alittle to store the mower for the winter that way.
To answer your question without a long dissertation on maintenance and other miscellaneous things, no it will not have a shut off valve in the lineA way to turn it off very easily would be to locate the line and use a pair of vice grips on the lineDon't over do it, make them just tight enough to shut off the gasRun the engine to empty the carbHave Fun PS Stabil does work for storage without draining the carb or the tank.
if your metal roof is to be laid on the rafters then those 1x4's need to be nailed or dry wall screwed to the interior side of those rafters - this will add centering strength to those rafters and provide a smooth surface to the metal roof [[ at the overlap points ]] the insuilation batts can be below the metal panels and all that will serve you wellIF you consider the fact that the top laid insulation will bunch and cause the roofing metal to buckle and gap at places this should help you decide that you must NOT lay the batts on top of the raftersI hope that this answer will help you .