I'm just about to finish insulation and replacing the floor of my parents attic over their garage and want to put insulating panels on the ceiling facing do west to try and keep the heat down so the house fan doesn't run for 18 hours a day during the summerI don't think nails will work they might go trough the roof, staple gun is out as wellAnyone know if there is a glue or adhesive that will work?
you could paint each others nails and do masks or something and prank phone call
1Try using fleece pillow cases: You cut the rectangles, they cut the fringe and tie two pieces togetherWith scraps of fleece they glue trims, using a craft glue like Fabri-TacYou will need several sharp scissorsSharpen them on a butcher steel prior to cutting session2Headboards: Get a supply of large boxes- one for each childHave construction paper, gift wrap, markers, glue, scissors, fabric flowers, etcEach person decorates their boxAt sleep time - as if that really happens - each person puts their pillow in their boxThis box will create a space for each person and may help to deaden sounds made by othersFor more effective sound barrier you could use towels to line the inside of the box3Snacks: Have the children fix some of their own snacksI make cookies, chill, then roll and cut with large cookie cuttersPlace each cookie on its own square of baking parchment or foilWith a fork beat equal amounts of egg white and clear corn syrupDivide into several cups and add food coloring paste in separate cupsDollar store paint brushes can be washed and used to paint the cookiesBake Make pizza doughSeparate dishes with an assortment of pizza toppingsI have kids use my pasta machine to roll doughEach person makes their own pizza on parchment or foil.
Liquid nails It's the best stuff to use and the heat of the attic will not affect it Have fun !!!