If a bike is heavily dropped on it‘s rear brake pedal causing it to bend, will this damage the internal mechanisms. Does the pedal need to be replaced or does the inner workings need to be checked out?
Stop trying to learn about motorcycles on the internet, it will get you killed. Most of the people on this forum, don't know what they are talking about. I would not be surprised, if most have never ridden a motorcycle at all. There's no way to prove anyone here (including me), has ever ridden. Now on to you question. If you just dropped your bike, heavily or not. Then no, that will not damage the brakes themselves. However if you crashed the bike, then yes it can cause damage. If your brake pedal is only bent a little bit, don't worry about it. But if it's bent a lot, you should replace it.
It's very possible that it will be damaged it if its repeatidly dropped on it and it should definitely be checked out as brake are one of the most important aspects of the motorcycle.
It should be checked out, but most likely its fine. You didn't mention what bike so it can either be disk or drum. If the pedal bent more than just a little its best to replace it.