you had a kid that resembled a llama?
After many years of Latex gloves I have developed a really bad allergy that hurts! And burns. So my choice is now Nitrle Blue. It's stopped the burning and pain but makes it very difficult when I have to do aseptic procedures. Most sterile gloves contain Latex or powder. I am allergic to the powder in gloves as well. It is a bit of a nightmare for Nursing staff when I'm the patient. Ambulance Officers (Paramedics)here in Australia tend to use the Nitrle Blue so at least I'm safe there. For now. Keep away from the Latex as much as you can.
Carbon monoxide detector is worth the 30 bucks it may save your life, as it did mine.
As an EMT, you probably should not be using any latex containing gloves or equipment. Consider the condition of many of your patients, sooner or later you will run into one that has a latex allergy and he will not be able to tell you about it. Also, if you keep YOUR latex exposure down to a minimum, it is far less likely YOU will develop a latex allergy.