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I was recently in an automotive supply store, and was a bit overwhelmed by the choices. I live in South FL, so moisture condensation in the gas tank is not an issue. However, I would like to keep the injectors and valves clean, and optimize fuel consumption. What ingredients or additives should I look for? Does anyone have any good or bad issues with a particular brand or type of additives? Any specific recommendation would be appreciated!


Best Fuel Additive For Cars
This Site Might Help You. RE: WHAT'S THE BEST CAR FUEL ADDITIVE? I was recently in an automotive supply store, and was a bit overwhelmed by the choices. I live in South FL, so moisture condensation in the gas tank is not an issue. However, I would like to keep the injectors and valves clean, and optimize fuel consumption. What ingredients or additives should I.
Marvel Mystery Oil fuel additive is the best i've found, I live in S. Florida also and thats what I run in both my vehicles. Its sold pretty much at any auto parts store

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