what makes a ceramic straightener better? also, what does a steam striaghtener and a tourmaline striaghtener do?
First take a safe riding course, drivers ed for bikes, they provide the bike and experienced teachers. Depending on your size think small and used, dents don't count. You will fall down, not necessarily a crash but there are a lot of riders who slow down to feet/minute speeds and put their foot on a gravel patch and fall over. There are a lot of used bikes and a low price floor, but get one with good tires, look for cracks in the paint around the frame joints, avoid these, there is another just down the street. there are many for less than $3000 and it's a buyers market.
a ceramic straightener is better because it holds heat better and it does not burn your hair and it has a good back on it so they don't burn your hands while straightening hair. basically
Ceramics spreads the heat more evenly over the blades and is smoother so your hair is straightened evenly and smoothly, without it catching. A regular straightener is just made out of metal which could have hot patches and cool patches on it so won't straighten your hair as well. Tourmaline is just another type of ceramic but I can never tell the difference. A steam straightener is rubbish - never holds. Don't bother with a steam one.
ceramic straighteners are what most professionals use. they hold heat better, and they excrete that heat more evenly throughout your hair. steam straighteners use heated water to straighten your hair [or the water on your hair when it's wet]; but i don't know about the tourmaline straightener.
I'm in the same situation and I have been looking on craigslist at the 2000 yamaha r6. They have that good sporty look and their is some from 2000 to 4000 bucks. also look at same year gsxr or 600 ninja dont listen to people that say start on a smaller bike, theyre practically the same price as the others.