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whats the world coming to....?

when a earthquake hits the uk and your first thought is its a bomb are we really that terrified of the world i know iam. are we wrong to be scared should we live our life to the full or be scared


In case you don't know, there are missile-silos that are, at this very moment, set up to point nuclear weapons at any and all countries who would oppose us (and if you don't think they have retaliatory measures of their own, you're severely mistaken, my friend). Living in fear is something one could do daily (e.g. falling out of bed in the morning to become paralyzed, getting T-Boned in your car on the way to work, dropping your curling iron in the sink and being electrocuted, lighting striking you etc etc) but we as humans must choose to live our lives as full as we each can to our own specific means despite the emotions inside of us. Whether its fear, anger, love, sorrow.... we must all still try to go on. But as for your question about being wrong to be scared.... absolutely not. Be scared if you are in a combat zone, or where there are bombs going off. Don't be sorry about your feelings, you can't help it, that's why they are called feelings.
Okay, wow. It's THEIR opinion. Just because MOST people aren't into the music you like DOESN'T mean it's dead. You can like it. They can like Tokio Hotel... I have a best friend who likes both. Really People should shut the **** up about their musical opinions. No one SAYS you have to hate this band because you like that one or whatever. REALLY PEOPLE! Music is a privilege NOT a given. What if the music you know and love wasn't there? So when you ask What is the world coming to someone likes Tokio Hotel Oh Emm Gee I haave to ***** about it Think about it. Next time Shut the **** up before you post.
Well, about 3 weeks ago at 11 am -I heard our neighbourhood air raid siren go off. 1 clear note for 20 seconds - then a long warbling note for about 30 seconds. I was just putting my boots on - when I felt a clear vibration through the floor. I did seriously consider those were my last moments here. Looked on the news - newsflash - Putin says he will retalliate with force at any new space based weapons - great ! Yes I was terrified. - but also felt useless. I just hugged my partner for the longest time.
yes, the world we live in is forever changed due to the disgusting displays of religous fanatsicm protrayed during Sept 11, Mar 11th, and the subsequent bombings in London. However to live in fear is to grant legitamacy to the dogs who would have the entirety of the globe to be one uniformed and backwards civiliazation which abhors free speech, free thought, and informed citizentries. I for one, as a former member of the US armed forces, veteran of Iraq, and current atheist refuse to live in fear and will think freely, speak without constraint, and inform myself to the hilt ever watchful that those who protect us do not in turn subjegate us to the same rule as Shira Law would admire.

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